
See below for download links, serial numbers and tech specs. Please note that Marmalade is not able to offer support of any kind for these legacy products.

Use these details to register FlashAmp Pro on both platforms...

User name: FlashAmp3
Serial number: L21-H26-N61-E50

FlashAmp Pro 3.1

See the Tech Specs for minimum system requirements.

View the FlashAmp Release History.



The AmplitudePro Xtra package contains,

• Macintosh Universal Binary AmplitudePro Xtra 2.0 for Director 11
• Macintosh Carbon AmplitudePro Xtra 2.0 for Director 8.5-MX2004
• Windows (32bit) AmplitudePro Xtra 2.0 for Director 8.5-11 and Shockwave 10-11
• Data fork archive of the UB OSX xtra for publishing UB OSX Projectors and Shockwave 11 on Windows Director 11
• Split OSX Carbon xtra for publishing Director 8.5-MX2004 Mac Projectors and Shockwave 10 on Windows
• Shockwave packaged xtras for Mac (UB and Carbon) and Windows
• AmplitudePro Generator 2.0 Utility
• User Guide (html)

Use these details to register the AmplitudePro Xtra on both platforms...

User name: AmplitudePro2
Serial number: E198-E990-B526-M705

Authoring Platform
AmplitudePro Xtra 2.0

See the Tech Specs for minimum system requirements.

View the AmplitudePro Xtra Release History.








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